On Thursday, June 9, the SF Ed Fund celebrated and honored the achievements of the 2022 cohort of Maisin Scholarship recipients! These 79 incredible students graduated from SFUSD high schools and are moving on to college in the Fall. The Maisin Scholar Award is one of many accomplishments for these students, made possible by their own dedication and commitment.
The event was held at the iconic San Francisco War Memorial and was attended by Maisin Scholars, parents, school counselors and staff, friends, families, community based organizations, and supporters of the Maisin Scholar Award. Darius White, SF Ed Fund board member and high school English teacher, was the ceremony emcee, and wove in the pride and hope that families, supporters and the community at large have for these scholars as they embark on this next stage of their academic careers. Maisin alumni and honor award recipients Christina Liem (Class of 2012) and Victoria Chan (Class of 2011) provided an inspiring address to the scholars; and Susan Mall, board member of the Alexander M. and June L. Maisin Foundation, provided a compelling history of the award.

According to SF Ed Fund CEO Stacey Wang,
“The Maisin Scholar Award Ceremony is our opportunity to come together and celebrate some of the most inspiring young people in our San Francisco community. These 79 students from the San Francisco Unified School District’s Class of 2022 are scholars, activists, athletes, mentors, and community leaders. They are resilient young people who see challenges as opportunities. Last week, we honored their achievements and cheer them on as they embark on their college careers.
The remarkable support network which surrounds each individual student and is nothing short of amazing. Family members, friends, principals, teachers, counselors, and partnering organizations all have invested time, resources, and effort to help these young people succeed. We are elated to be in the company of supporters who will help each of these students strive to realize their dreams.
We are especially grateful to the Alexander M. and June L. Maisin Foundation of the Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund for making the Maisin Scholar Award possible. This year, we also extend our gratitude to Carollo Engineers, Inc., which has sponsored additional scholarships for the Class of 2022.
We commit our support to this group of change-makers and world-shakers. The scholars in the Maisin Class of 2022 are not only leaders of tomorrow; they are the young leaders of today. Congratulations, Maisin Scholars, and we wish you an incredible college journey. We can’t wait to see what you accomplish!”
The San Francisco Education Fund Board of Directors acknowledges the following generous supporters:
- Alexander M. and June L. Maisin Foundation and Board
- Phyllis Cook
- Adele Corvin
- Susan Mall
- Rick Schiller
- Joy Sisisky
- Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund
- Kimberlyn Romero-Gamarra
- Brian Mendel
- Camille Menke
- Carollo Engineers, Inc.
- Maisin Scholar Award Review Committee
- San Francisco Unified School District
Special thanks to the SF Ed Fund’s Maisin team, who organized this incredible event: Abby Rovner, Senior Director, Programs and Strategy; Perry Im, Maisin Program Manager; Samantha Pfau, College Success Coordinator; and Aldo Ramirez, the Maisin team’s newest College Success Coordinator, who officially starts next week. The new team has had to learn a lot this past year, but they are loving the process and getting to know the new and ongoing scholars.
The Maisin Scholar Award is a program of the San Francisco Education Fund working towards closing the opportunity and funding gap for youth who are in pursuit of higher education. The Maisin Scholar Award is funded by a grant from the Alexander M. and June L. Maisin Foundation of the Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund.
See the full cohort of 2022 scholars here. Learn more about the Maisin Scholar Award here.